Image: Performance by the leads of Opening Committee.
Q: Do I need to know how to dance?
Viennese Ball guests come from many different dance backgrounds. No prior dance knowledge is required to attend. For beginners who are looking to get up to speed, fourteen days of free dance lessons are offered on Stanford Campus during Austria Fortnight before the Ball. For those not interested in dancing, the ball hosts many events that do not require dance skills, such as performances and contests.
Q: Do I need to bring a date?
Not at all! While Viennese Ball is a great opportunity to take someone on a romantic date, social dance at its core is about meeting and dancing with many other people. Many attendees go simply to enjoy dancing and socializing, either with friends, in groups, or by themselves. In all cases, Viennese Ball is a fantastic and exciting event.
Q: Is the Ball open to guests outside the Stanford community?
Yes, everyone is welcome. Please make sure to purchase the correct ticket category at the Eventbrite link here.
Q: What is the dress code?
Black tie optional, tuxedos and suit jackets optional. No jeans and no high heels, unless they have suede bottoms for ballroom dancing. We recommend flat shoes for everyone. Example outfits: collared, long-sleeve button-down shirt and tie with dress pants or slacks, a long gown, cocktail dress, or pantsuit. Wearing socks is also acceptable, especially for beginners. If you wear high heels to the event, please exchange them for dance shoes or flats while dancing for safety’s sake.
Q: Will there be a coat check?
Yes, a very limited coat check is available, but we request that guests bring a maximum of one bag and one coat per person. Please bring only the most essential items with you to the Ball. The coat check will be first-come, first-serve due to the venue’s constraints.
Q: Are tickets refundable/transferable?
Tickets will only be refunded if the University requires that the Ball be cancelled due to its own policies. Otherwise, tickets are not refundable. Due to the large volume of potential requests and our limited time as a student organization, we cannot accommodate individual refunds. Additionally, this policy prevents the transferring of student-tier tickets to non-students. This is unfair because our event is heavily subsidized by students’ activity fees.
Q: Is financial aid available?
Yes! The Steering Committee of the 2023-24 academic year strongly believes that all Stanford students should have an opportunity to attend the event. Many of us on the Steering Committee also benefit from financial aid and understand the financial barriers that an event like the Viennese Ball can pose. Please fill out this form to enter the lottery ( If you are interested in helping to make more financial aid available, feel free to contribute to financial aid in increments of $10 via our Eventbrite ticket platform.
Why is it a lottery? We must emphasize that financial aid was not available before 2022 due to the high costs of the many components needed to produce this event. We at the Steering Committee understood these limits, but we wanted to offer financial aid anyway because we want to welcome all students to this community and provide better avenues for students with financial need to attend. However, at the same time, we have maintained ticket prices at the exact cost necessary to maintain the Ball. By using a lottery to give out financial aid tickets, we are able to release tickets at the rate that we are able – based on, for example, contributions that other ticket purchasers make on our Eventbrite.
Q: How can I help contribute to increasing financial aid for active Stanford students?
Thank you for supporting financial aid for this event! You can either purchase a Friends of Viennese Ball VIP ticket or contribute to financial aid in as many increments of $10 as you like via our Eventbrite ticket platform. To make donations in large amounts, please feel free to contact us directly at!
Q: Are there any discounts available?
Group discounts are available to groups of 10 or more attendees. Dorm discounts are available, please contact your RAs. RAs can view the document here for information on how to set up a dorm discount.
Additionally, we are bringing back volunteer tickets as an option for those looking to enjoy the ball at no cost. In exchange for 1-2 hours of volunteer work, individuals will receive fully comp’d tickets. Must be a Stanford student to utilize this option. Fill out form here.
Q: Is dinner provided?
We will not be providing complimentary dinner for guests.
Q: Can children attend the event?
There is no age requirement to attend the Ball. However, we do not offer special child pricing or policy exemptions for children.
Additionally, space can quickly get tight on the dance floor. If you come to the event with a child, you must pay close attention to your child’s safety and make sure that they do not disrupt performances or other dancers. Otherwise, the child will be asked to leave with a guardian. You (the guardian) are solely responsible for your child’s behavior. We recommend finding space at the perimeters of the event and outside of seating areas to dance with your children.